Press Release archive

April 1, 2019

Flexible Factory Partner Alliance
April 1, 2019

FFPA Releases Security Guidelines for Factory Network with Wireless Communications

The Flexible Factory Partner Alliance (FFPA), has released the Flexible Factory Security Guidelines for manufacturing environments using wireless networks. The Guidelines provide easy-to-understand and reliable guidelines for cyber security in factories. The Guidelines describe a basic framework for comprehensive security measures, with practical examples of assets to be protected, and their security threats and risks.

The Guidelines have been prepared for two main purposes

  1. to promote basic understanding of network security, and of procedures for secure management of devices, equipment, and systems wirelessly connected to factory networks, and
  2. to be a reference document that can help communication between manufacturing staff and security experts who are responsible for implementing security measures, such as security vendors, and security risk analysts.

Technical experts from security and IT vendors, FFRI, Inc., Kaspersky Labs Japan, NEC Corporation, and NTT Communications Corporation, have collaborated to develop these unique guidelines.

The Guidelines are available for free, and downloadable from

About Flexible Factory Partner Alliance (FFPA)

FFPA is a non-profit organization promoting standards for coordination control technology, for ensuring stable communications in flexible manufacturing environments where various different wireless systems are being used together. The members of FFPA include OMRON Corporation, the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), NEC Corporation, Fujitsu Limited, Sanritz Automation Co., Ltd., Murata Machinery, Ltd., and Siemens K.K.